Sunset Place Association of Carlsbad (Capri Homes)
Lindsay Management Company
6126 Innovation Way
Carlsbad, CA 92009
(760) 436-1144
FAX: (760) 436-2566
Sunset Place Association of Carlsbad (also known as "Capri") is a homeowner's association of 140 homes in the village area of Carlsbad, California.
The HOA is managed by Lindsay Management Company, and per the by-laws is governed by a five-member elected board of volunteers. The board is made up of a President, Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Secretary, and there are two standing committees each of which is overseen by a board member:
Current board members are:
President - John Darroch
Vice President - Julieta Thomas
Chief Financial Officer - David Hall
Secretary - Linda Romine
Our association has contracted with Lindsay Management Services for day-to-day operation of the association's business activities: dues collection, bill payment, financial statements, etc.